(Car for sale))
(car for sale)
All vehicules for sale are grouped together to make it easier for potential buyers. The fee is for the 3 days of the exhibitation. The car coral allows for restauration projects to be offered for sale and the vehicule does not necessarily have to be functional. Therefore. it can be exhibited on a trailer.
Vehicules registred in the Car Coral do not have to leave the site each evening. They may stay on the secure site. The vehicule must be sold by the owner with no intermidiary.
The auction takes place under the main Marquee on Saturday at 10 a. m. Our expert auctioneer and his team ensure that the auction run smoothly. You may participate in the auction as a vendor or buyer if are registered. You can register on line or on site. More than 90 vehicles from the year 2004 ans earlier will be offered for sale.
135$ (inscludes the Car Corral if you desire)
175$ (includes the Car Coral if you desire)
Alain Tourigny
Phone : 579-362-8884
(before July 20th)
Cell phone : 514-923-6209
(at all times)